Resources for trainees and trainers
Preparing to take the MRCGP Applied Knowledge Test: A concise guide for trainees (PDF file, 173 KB) - offers a clear overview of what is required.
What can Trainers do to help AiTs prepare for the AKT? (PDF file, 578 KB) - outlines how trainers can help trainees prepare by identifying how day-to-day practice influences exam content.
MRCGP candidate presentation (PPT file, 1.6 MB) - has detailed information about the AKT. Includes feedback and statistics from the most recent test, and examples of the types of questions you may be asked.
Preparing for the AKT video - a recorded interview with three successful ST2 GP trainees. Please watch for practical preparation advice and top tips, with a summary at the end.
Data interpretation
Data interpretation in the AKT (PDF file, 1.1 MB) - for candidates and GP educators to use in tutorials and peer group learning. Aims to kick-start conversations about the importance of interpreting data we encounter in primary care.
Professor Mike Harris is an experienced GP and Professor of Primary Care based near Bath. One of his many areas of expertise includes teaching about critical appraisal skills and medical statistics. He was commissioned to independently produce these excellent videos in response to trainee requests for data interpretation teaching resources.
The videos aim to help understand data interpretation found in both day-to-day clinical practice and common reading materials. The views expressed are those of Professor Harris and the content is purposefully detailed.
The AKT assesses basic understanding and principles, such as interpreting graphs and charts as well as simple calculations. The level of detail in the videos may be higher than that which is being tested, but we trust this is helpful to candidates.
The RCGP Curriculum topic covering data interpretation can be found here.
Interpreting diagnostic test statistics - Professor Michael Harris discusses with GP Specialist Trainees common statistical concepts.
Interpreting risk – Professor Michael Harris discussing how to interpret risk and present the effectiveness of a treatment.
How to interpret the results of a randomised control trial - tutorial with Professor Michael Harris discussing data interpretation.
Example AKT questions and answers
Download the following documents to see 50 AKT practice questions and the answers:
Each online issue of InnovAiT contains questions and answers to help AiTs identify their educational needs. There are more issues available from our archive. Access InnovAiT online.
Interactive tutorial of practice exam
On the day of the exam before sitting the AKT, you'll do a practice tutorial with example questions. It should help to familiarise you with the look and feel of the AKT testing platform.
See an example of a Pearson VUE practice tutorial.