Reserve your AKT examination now
AKT examination reservations are currently live.
MRCGP: Applied Knowledge Test (AKT)
The Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) is a computer-based assessment that forms part of the MRCGP.
It tests the knowledge base behind independent general practice in the UK within the context of the NHS. Trainees who pass will show they can apply knowledge at a high enough level for independent practice.
The AKT takes place four times a year at Pearson VUE test centres across the UK.
11 June 2024 - AKT update
Reservations and bookings
Trainees who intend to sit the AKT must first reserve a place. Please visit the exams applications page of the website for the current AKT key dates schedule. Reservations can be made within FourteenFish.
We are currently accepting reservations for the first AKT of the next academic year on 30 October 2024; reservations for this examination will close on 1 September 2024 and those without a reservation will be unable to book the examination. However, if after the July exam results are published you need to re-sit the AKT and your expected CCT date falls before January 2024, please contact the exams team for advice.
Reasonable adjustments
Candidates who require a Reasonable Adjustment for their AKT should visit the Reasonable Adjustments page for further information. Applications and evidence for Reasonable Adjustments should be submitted in accordance with the dates defined therein. The deadline for submitting a Reasonable Adjustment request for the July 2024 examination has passed, but trainees are reminded that they can submit their application for future examinations now.
Fairness review November 2023
We are pleased to publish a summary of our November 2023 fairness review which includes action points and an observers summary of the day. Recently successful AKT candidates from wide ranging backgrounds and geographic locations participated in open and helpful feedback sessions. We trust trainees and educational providers will find this document helpful.
Water at Pearson VUE test centres
Trainees should please note that water is permitted into the testing areas at Pearson VUE centres, providing it is carried in a clear (free of labels) and resealable container with a sports cap, of no more than 750ml. Water bottles will be subject to visual inspection by an invigilator prior to being taken into the testing room.
AKT resources
The April feedback report and the latest five-year summary are now available.
Our webpages include several other resources, including a series of data interpretation videos by Professor Michael Harris.
We hope that you find these resources helpful.
Contact us
If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Tel: 0203 188 7660
Reasonable adjustments:
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