RCGP Scotland responds to the COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Responding to the announcement by the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport of the rollout of the coronavirus vaccine to the over 80s, Dr Carey Lunan, Chair of RCGP Scotland said: “General practice has a key role to play in the coronavirus vaccination programme. Based in Scotland’s communities, we have successfully delivered mass flu vaccine campaigns for many years and are looking forward to playing our crucial part in this new vaccine campaign.

"While many GPs have also signed up to help out with the delivery of the Pfizer vaccine at the mass vaccination centres, our main role will be in the delivery of the AstraZeneca vaccine as soon as it is approved, and has arrived in our practices. The first group to be called in for vaccination will be the over 80s age group, who are not living in care homes. They will receive a national letter and information leaflet on the vaccine from the 5 January.

"I would strongly encourage patients not to phone their practice with vaccine queries in the meantime as we really need to keep phone lines open for patients who are unwell. The NHS inform website is being regularly updated with coronavirus vaccine information and this is where people should look. There is also a national coronavirus vaccine helpline which can be used: 0800 030 8013 (available 8am to 8pm, seven days a week) and I would also strongly encourage everyone to get vaccinated, when their time comes.”

Further information

RCGP Press office – 020 3188 7633/7494/7574

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Notes to editor

RCGP Scotland represents a network of around 5,000 doctors in Scotland aiming to improve care for patients. We work to encourage and maintain the highest standard of general medical practice and act as the voice of GPs on resources, education, training, research and clinical standards.

Media requests to Lizzie Edwards, Policy and Campaigns Manager. 

Tel: 07787 216842. 

Email: lizzie.edwards@rcgp.org.uk.