RCGP news


09 October 2023

Our younger patients must not write off NHS services, says College Chair

College Chair responds to data from the Independent Healthcare Providers Network on the rising number of young people accessing private healthcare.

09 October 2023

Greenisland surgery awarded RCGPNI Practice of the Year 2023

The RCGP is proud to announce that that Old School Surgery in Greenisland has been awarded Northern Ireland GP Practice of the Year 2023.

04 October 2023

Patients want timely care when they’re ill – they deserve more GPs, says College

College Chair responds to the latest NHS data on rising numbers of ‘minor’ illnesses being dealt with in A&E.

04 October 2023

These proposals are the next big step to a smoke-free society, says College Chair

RCGP Chair responds to smoking ban and vape proposals in the Prime Minister’s Conservative party conference speech.

02 October 2023

GPs have seen a 20% workload increase and appointments growing in complexity, says College Vice Chair

College Vice Chair responds to the latest NHS Digital data on GP appointments.

02 October 2023

College hits back at Telegraph criticism of GPs

RCGP Chair appeared in the Telegraph Letters to the Editor on Saturday, defending hardworking GPs and the daily challenges they face.

29 September 2023

Charging patients for GP appointments will not work in any form, says College

College Vice Chair Victoria Tzortziou Brown appears in today’s Guardian, responding to an Institute for Government report into healthcare funding.

28 September 2023

Being a full time GP is now ‘unmanageable’, says College

RCGP responds to Nuffield Trust report on the NHS ‘dropout’ crisis which claims that trainees are part-time or leaving the profession shortly after qualifying.

28 September 2023

Long-term investment and more GPs are the real solution to GP retention, says College

The RCGP responds to proposals by the Nuffield Trust to ‘write off’ student loans to encourage retention of GPs and other healthcare professionals in the NHS.