RCGP news


25 September 2023

Seven in ten GPs seeing ‘worrying’ rise in patients with cost of living-related problems, says College survey

The College’s annual tracking survey uncovers the rising rates of patients presenting to GPs with conditions linked to the cost-of-living crisis

23 September 2023

GP access targets might make ‘good soundbites’ but we need solutions, says College Chair

RCGP Chair urges urging all parties to come up with practical solutions for general practice at the start of the political party conference season.

20 September 2023

‘Advice and guidance’ should not act as a barrier to timely referrals, says College Chair

College Chair, Professor Kamila Hawthorne, issued a reactive response on proposals to expand the use of ‘advice and guidance’ referrals.

20 September 2023

An open letter to the medical profession in Wales

Several medical institutions, including RCGP Wales, have written an open letter regarding the Working Party on Sexual Misconduct in Surgery Report.

19 September 2023

Pharmacists do an excellent job – but they must not be seen as ‘substitute’ GPs, says College

Professor Kamila Hawthorne responds to a Kings Fund/Nuffield Trust study on the potential for pharmacists to directly support asthma and hypertension patients.

18 September 2023

Ballymoney doctor awarded NI GP of the Year 2023

Dr Sarah Fleming of Ballymoney Family Practice has been named RCGP Northern Ireland GP of the Year as part of its annual GP and Practice of the Year Awards 2023.

13 September 2023

College announces new President

Dr Richard Vautrey has been elected as the next President of the Royal College of General Practitioners. He will take over the post from Dame Clare Gerada, whose two-year term will come to an end in November.

13 September 2023

To prevent a health crisis this winter we must ensure primary care is not overlooked, says College Chair

The RCGP's Chair calls for greater support for general practice from the government’s winter relief plan.

12 September 2023

Issues that have been decades in the making cannot be resolved overnight, says College Chair

College Chair responds to BMJ research on the primary factors driving health professionals out of the NHS.