- This policy applies to all examination components of the MRCGP that are set and marked by RCGP:
- Applied Knowledge Test (AKT)
- Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA)
- Recorded Consultation Assessment (RCA).
- Feedback and Complaints in connection with WPBA should be directed to the relevant deanery.
- RCGP welcomes complaints and values feedback, which helps us improve our examinations and processes. RCGP will review all feedback and complaints, resolve them as quickly as possible and learn from them so that we can continue to improve our service.
- A complaint relates to the administration or conduct of an examination where the trainee feels that RCGP have failed to do something expected or done something that leaves them feeling dissatisfied and where there is no intention, as part of the complaint, to query the result of the examination.
- If a trainee wishes to have their examination result reviewed or make an appeal against an examination result, the MRCGP Examination and Appeals Policy and Procedure should be followed.
- A complaint will not normally be considered if its specific subject matter or closely related subject matter is currently being considered by the RCGP as part of an appeal process, by the GMC under fitness to practise procedures or by a court, tribunal or similar.
- Trainees will not suffer any disadvantage or recrimination as a result of making a complaint.
Complaints policy and process
- In the first instance trainees should attempt to resolve a complaint informally, during or immediately after an examination, with the most relevant person, for example the Invigilator, Lead Examiner or Educational Supervisor. If the complaint is of a general nature it can be raised through the RCGP Examinations Team or, if the complaint is about a member of the Examinations Team, with the RCGP Chief Examiner.
- A Complaint should be made within 10 days of the event concerned, or within 10 days of becoming aware that there is a cause for concern.
- Formal complaints must be submitted in writing using the RCGP Complaint Form. The form should be emailed to Hard copies sent by post will not be accepted.
- There is no fee for making a complaint.
- Receipt of the complaint will be acknowledged within 10 working days.
- Complaints will be considered by the Head of Examinations or, if the complaint is about a member of its staff, the Chief Examiner, or a nominated deputy.
- Complaints that are judged by the above personnel to be inappropriate or vexatious will not be accepted.
- Clarification of the precise nature of the complaint may be sought.
- Any individual complained about and/or the person directly responsible for the matter being complained about will be given the opportunity to respond to the complaint.
- Further information may be required. The parties concerned may be invited to comment on any information submitted and will be given adequate time to do so.
- In taking a decision on whether or not a complaint is justified the Head of Examinations, the Chief Examiner or a nominated deputy, will:
- respond promptly to the complaint
- always treat the person making the complaint with fairness and courtesy
- explain any action that will be taken to resolve the complaint and/or to prevent the problem occurring again.
- If a complaint is upheld, the RCGP may offer an apology, a fee refund or some other appropriate form of redress.
Independent review
- If you feel that your complaint has not been handled properly an independent review can be requested. The review has to be requested within 14 days from the date of the final response. An independent review will be conducted by one or more persons, who have had no involvement with the complaint and who will ensure that the process followed has been carried out correctly, taking all relevant evidence into account. The independent review will look at the way the complaint was managed, this is not an appeal about the outcome. The independent review may make recommendations to the RCGP on improvements to be made. A request for an independent review should confirm the reason for the request and explain why it is felt that the complaint was not handled correctly.
Revision history
Version 1.0 - August 2016
- Written by examinations team
- New regulations
Version 2.0 - August 2023
- Written by head of examinations
- Update to Feedback and Complaints Policy
- Updated wording, clarified process with regard to independent review, inclusion of SCA.
Review date: August 2024 and then annually thereafter.
Relevant policies, templates and forms
The following policies, procedures and guidance should be used or referred to when necessary alongside this policy. All policies and templates are available on the RCGP website.