MRCGP exams
Booking your MRCGP exams (SCA and AKT)
If you have reserved an exam but not received your booking link email, please note that you can also book your exams directly through our website. Simply visit the MRCGP exam applications page and click the 'confirm your booking' button to complete your booking.
Contact us
Please ensure that you read the following to determine the correct contact for your enquiry. You can also check our exam specific FAQs where you may be able to find an answer to your query.
Exams team
Contact the exams team for:
- MRCGP key dates
- AKT or SCA
- Important MRCGP info and admin
- MRCGP annual reports and research
- Fraser Rose
- Becoming a member of the MRCGP Panel
The examinations team are available for calls between 10am and 4pm, and continually monitor emails within business working hours (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm). If you're a trainee, please include your GMC number in the subject line of any email to our exams team.
Tel: 020 3188 7660
Postgraduate training queries
If your question relates to your specific training programme or circumstances/requirements, your local deanery will be best placed to advise. However, if you have a query concerning the GP curriculum or Workplace Based Assessment that your deanery cannot help with, you can contact the Postgraduate Training Team at the following email address:
The postgraduate training team continually monitor emails within business working hours (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm).
Trainee portfolio queries
FourteenFish maintain an extensive support page.
MRCGP courses
We run a number of courses to assist GP trainees in preparing for MRCGP assessments.
To contact us about these, please email or call 020 3188 7658.
Becoming a member of the MRCGP panel
We are committed to a fair, robust and transparent process for the selection of MRCGP examiners in line with Academy of Medical Royal College and General Medical Council (GMC) Requirements. Find out more about becoming a member of the panel.
Webpage accessibility
If you have any problems accessing the information on these webpages, please email
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