Equality and diversity: Gender reassignment

We want equality of treatment for people of all genders, both for our members and our patients. To inform our approach, we have a growing suite of learning resources to guide your patient care, and a thriving LGBTQIA+ community we look to for guidance.

A group of people standing in a large room posing with cupcakes and rainbow flags.

Our LGBTQIA+ community group helps to guide our approach, and we have a growing collection of CPD for best practice patient treatment.

Here you can tell us own story and find helpful resources to develop your learning

Our members

The RCGP collects data on 'sex' and ‘gender reassignment’ which are protected characteristics outlined in the Equality Act 2010. However, member declaration for this is notably low. Consequently, we must consider any presented data to be relatively unreliable and unrepresentative. As 'gender identity' has been a mandatory field for most members, we have a near-100% declaration rate. While we acknowledge that 'gender identity', ‘sex' and ‘gender reassignment’ are distinctly not the same, we have opted to report on gender identity due to the reliability and representativeness of this data. Going forward, there will be a focus on developing our data capture and declaration rate in this area and others, to achieve further clarity and representative reporting.

Share your story

We're eager to hear your experiences and perspectives. Please use this form to tell us your story.

 Share your story

Connect with your community

What we’re doing at the College to promote inclusivity, led by our active LGBTQIA+ community.

A collection of eLearning courses specifically related to LGBTQ+ issues.

Find out how you can get involved with College clinical policy work through our two clinical adviser and College rep programmes.