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Equality, diversity and inclusion plan 2023-26

A group of graduates clap and cheer in a line wearing robes.
Fostering an inclusive culture

Our statement of purpose

We believe Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) is everyone's responsibility, and we are committed to fairness and equality of opportunity for all, embedding this into everything we do.

We will do all we can to identify, challenge and appropriately address any form of discrimination, bullying or harassment, establishing that such behaviours will not be tolerated.

We will increase awareness of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion to encourage, foster and maintain the highest possible standards of patient care in general practice across the UK and worldwide.

We treat all individuals with respect, supporting the understanding that this does not necessarily mean treating everyone the same but acknowledging diversity, embracing differences and making reasonable adjustments to help people feel treated fairly and equitably.

We aim to support our members, employees and patients regardless of their backgrounds and life experiences, demonstrating respect for the protected characteristics outlined in the Equality Act and other demographics.

Our diverse representation will ensure that our people feel included and belong in their professional homes.

Professor Kamila Hawthorne, Chair of Council
Chris Askew, Chief Executive Officer

Our vision, by the Chair of Council

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are basic rights for everyone and are everyone’s responsibility.  

As GPs, we take great care to ensure we offer an equitable service to all our patients, regardless of their backgrounds – including not just the nine protected characteristics under the Equality Act (2010) but also class, socioeconomic status and previous history.  

There is great diversity within our members that needs to be valued and celebrated. We must ensure that everyone feels this is their College, where they can feel safe and belong. Within our College, I am determined to share the same approach towards all our employees.  

We can never be complacent that we have done enough – there is always room for improvement. I know that everyone at the College shares my passion for equality and fairness and that together, we will ensure these qualities are embedded into every aspect of the work of the College, including its policies and processes. 

Therefore, I am very proud of our Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Plan, now in its second three-year term. We will support all our employees and members on their professional journeys with us, encouraging growth and development and valuing people for who and what they are, individually and in teams.

Professor Kamila Hawthorne, Chair of Council

The case for EDI and our commitment

Our operating framework is constantly evolving. Developments in society include changes in how values, beliefs, and cultural practices are expressed and received, including but not limited to protected characteristic-related areas, such as age, gender roles, sexuality, and culture. At the RCGP, we recognise that multiple forms of discrimination can exist and impact people's reaching their true potential and accessing equal opportunity. We understand that people can be disadvantaged across several grounds and that this intersectionality can lead to multiple forms of discrimination.

A vital aspect of our organisational culture and values is to create opportunities to listen to the people most impacted and problem-solve with them. ‘Diversity’ is a fact (we are all different). ‘Inclusion’ is a way of thinking and delivering better results. In appreciating diversity and actively working towards and promoting inclusion, we can gain the varied perspectives required to tackle current and arising issues and discover innovative solutions. Authentic collaboration and networking will provide valuable insight and support in achieving informed and sustainable outcomes.

Our professional community is diverse; this includes our members and our employees. We are committed to ensuring that existing employees and members feel safe and free to express their diversity - their ‘authentic self’ - within the workplace. We are also open to positive change as our workforce and membership evolve. We will openly promote and demonstrate our commitment to Equality, Diversity and inclusion and how we will continue to strive to achieve an inclusive environment. Effective communication and positive engagement will support our people to feel that their voices are heard, and they will be more likely to feel empowered to perform at their best.

The 2023-2026 EDI Plan will support us in actively meeting our EDI commitment while demonstrating our organisational values and drive to achieve our strategic goals.

EDI advisory group

The newly introduced EDI advisory group serves as a forum for raising awareness of EDI issues and for creating a supportive and inclusive environment where everyone's voice is heard and valued. The group is an advisory group to the EDI steering group regarding all EDI initiatives, where additional support and strategic action can be discussed and actioned.

The EDI advisory group is a member and employee-led group that will promote EDI within the College. It will provide an integrated, proactive approach to monitoring, challenging, influencing, and supporting positive change in college culture regarding EDI.

Group aims

  • Foster a culture that values individual differences, promotes equity, and ensures that all members feel included and represented.
  • Initiatives and plans for promoting equality, diversity, and inclusion are discussed and feedback is gathered.
  • Approaches for influencing EDI policies and initiatives are developed.

The EDI advisory group meetings will be chaired by the RCGP Chair Kamila Hawthorne and Chief Executive Officer Chris Askew, with support from the EDI manager. They will be held semi-annually, and the frequency will be reviewed according to requirements.

Refreshingly, the advisory group has a relaxed structure with more formal discussions reserved for the EDI steering group. It is introduced to be far-reaching and will move forward with a heavy steer by those engaging and attending.  

The meetings will be attended by representatives from the following areas:

  • Membership
  • Faculties
  • Northern Ireland
  • Scotland
  • Wales
  • Associates in Training
  • First 5s 
  • Later career and retired members
  • People and culture
  • Policy, research and campaigns  
  • Examinations
  • Digital engagement
  • Training
  • Colleague Network Committee 
  • EDI Faculty leads
  • Members with a particular interest in EDI
  • Employees with a particular interest in EDI
  • Patient engagement

If you have any EDI-related issues or suggestions that you feel would be suitable to share at the EDI Advisory Group meeting, please contact your EDI representative. Your representative can bring it to the meeting, or if appropriate, you can share a request to attend the meeting with your representative.

EDI steering group

The role of the EDI steering group is to offer guidance and support to the wider College to ensure that it fulfils its equality, diversity and inclusion objectives. This includes:

  • Develop, monitor the progress of, and implement strategies and action plans to provide inclusive and accessible services and create a diverse and inclusive environment for all associated with the college.
  • Representation from key departments within the College, fostering an inclusive approach. The group is co-chaired by the Chief Executive Officer Chris Askew and the EDI Manager, establishing a centralised EDI hub that facilitates contributions from all areas of the College.

The EDI steering group focuses on developing and implementing policies, initiatives, and practices which promote a diverse and inclusive culture. It is also responsible for monitoring progress, identifying areas for improvement, and ensuring that EDI considerations are integrated into the overall strategy. The EDI steering group is vital in driving organisational change and fostering an environment where all individuals feel valued and included.

Group aims

  • Develop and monitor the progress and relevance of the RCGP EDI strategy to provide inclusive and accessible services and create and maintain a diverse and inclusive culture.
  • Monitor progress against key performance indicators, objectives, and action plans, advising and recommending as appropriate, and produce reports to fulfil statutory duties regarding EDI.
  • Ensure effective and appropriate communication regarding EDI and raise awareness about obligations and progress.
  • Collaborate effectively to support the delivery of appropriate EDI awareness and training.
  • Obtain and discuss feedback from EDI advisory group meetings and incorporate this into the EDI action plan where appropriate.
  • Maintain effective communication with the advisory group, including reporting outcomes and updates on relevant matters raised at steering group Meetings. 

The meetings are attended by representatives from the following areas:

  • Membership
  • Faculties
  • Examinations 
  • Digital engagement
  • Internal communications and engagement
  • Human resources
  • Governance                        
  • Policy, research and campaigns
  • Training 

We encourage open discussions, feedback, and suggestions from all individuals to ensure that the plan is well understood and embraced across the organisation. This transparent and inclusive approach to disseminating the plan will lay the foundation for successful implementation and foster a culture of equality, diversity, and inclusion at RCGP.

Get involved with EDI at the RCGP

Express your interest in taking on an advocacy role for your Faculty.

Form for Faculty advocacy roles

You can also join the EDI group on the RCGP members' forum.

EDI on the RCGP forum

Explore our special interest groups for more opportunities.

Our special interest groups