North Scotland Faculty

A warm welcome from North Scotland Faculty. We provide local networking, education and support. The Faculty covers a large geographical footprint that includes Highland and the Western Isles, supporting 370 RCGP members and their peers. As a Faculty that spans rural and urban areas, we have a particular interest in our members having access to CPD and professional development opportunities. We organise a range of education events locally, providing healthcare staff with resources tailored to local needs. We also have bursaries and awards to help our members engage with the College and to recognise innovation and development.

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06 August 2024

Emotional Intelligence at the Reception and Front Line Complaint Handling

Join RCGP Scotland for this training by Dr Val McGarrell, for all non-clinical staff in GP Practices. The training aims to upskill frontline colleagues to build resilience and empathy when dealing with difficult situations and patient complaints at the GP reception, and more.

24 August 2024

Manchester Pride 2024

We are excited to announce that the RCGP has once again been selected to have an official presence at the Manchester Pride Parade on Saturday 24th August 2024. Join RCGP and walk with us in the parade. Register now for your free parade wristbands! It is such an amazing atmosphere to be part of the parade and a day to remember. If the sun is shining it 'could' possible be better than Liverpool's Eurovision! 'Could'!! Everyone is welcome to join us, GPs, team members, patients, friends, family, EVERYONE. You don't have to be LGBTQ+, you just need to support!

28 August 2024

North Scotland Annual Lecture 2024

The North Scotland Faculty Annual Lecture 2024, will feature a panel of leaders from across the Scottish healthcare landscape. We look forward to hearing from Professor Nicola Steedman, Scottish DCMO, and Dr Catherine Todd, local GP and Highland ScotGEM Lead, and to facilitating questions and discussions with you all. This is an excellent opportunity for members to connect, learn from one another, and engage with your local College representatives.

06 September 2024

Telephone consulting and triage skills

This online course will provide you with a real understanding of how to manage the risks involved in remote telephone consultations and the benefits this work can bring when practiced effectively. This day will give you tools and techniques to best handle remote telephone consultations.

Next board meeting

Upcoming meeting dates:

  • June Faculty Board meeting: Wednesday 12 June 2024, 19:30 to 21:30
  • September Faculty Board meeting: Thursday 12 September 2024, 19:30 to 21:30
  • November Faculty Board meeting: Wednesday 20 November 2024, 19:00 to 21:30

We meet four times per year, in February, June, September and November to progress our local engagement activities and discuss issues pertinent to our members, which are then fed back to the College Council. All local members are very welcome to attend Board meetings and participate in these discussions – we are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help us develop our local engagement programme.

Awards and prizes 

  • The RCGP North Scotland Faculty GPST of the Year was presented to Madeleine Rydeard.

Meet your faculty

Faculty Officers

  • Dr Chris Williams – Chair
  • Dr Kate Dawson – Provost
  • Dr Stephen McCabe – Vice Chair
  • Dr Daniel Simpson – Scottish Council Rep and Faculty Secretary

Faculty Board members

  • Dr Chris Williams - UK Council Rep
  • Dr Adrian Baker – UK Council Deputy Rep and Scottish Council Deputy Rep
  •  Dr Miles Mack
  • Dr Phil Wilson
  • Dr Andrew Dallas
  • Dr David Stephens

Contact us

RCGP North Scotland Faculty

Telephone: 020 3188 7730

Your Faculty Support Officer is Gemma Gee.

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GP jobs in Scotland