Publications and journals

The RCGP publishes world-leading primary care research and clinical guidance. Full access to BJGP and InnovAiT are RCGP membership benefits (non-members access below).

A selection of RCGP publications including BJGP and InnovAiT laid out in an array

British Journal of General Practice (BJGP)

The British Journal of General Practice is the world’s leading primary care journal.

RCGP Members’ login for all members of the RCGP: find links to reach BJGP.

Retrieve your password for RCGP membership login.

BJGP eNewsletter: members can subscribe to receive this monthly.

Paper copy of the BJGP is available for members to opt in.

Subscribers and non-members can access the journal via Search or browse to view abstracts, purchase article access, Subscribe to BJGP, or become a member.

BJGP Life, BJGP Podcasts, BJGP YouTube, BJGP eLetters, BJGP Twitter, BJGP Facebook.


BJGP Open publishes open-access original research and other articles of importance to primary care clinicians, researchers, and teachers worldwide. for open-access

BJGP Life, BJGP Open eLetters, BJGP Life Twitter.

InnovAiT journal

Designed to support Associates-in-Training (AiTs) and early-stage career GPs, each issue contains articles and educational scenarios on clinical diagnosis and management, MRCGP preparation, and features covering the whole of the RCGP curriculum. 

MyRCGP login for RCGP AiTs and members: click on the InnovAiT links.

Subscribe to InnovAiT for non-members

InnovAiT Twitter, InnovAiT blog, InnovAiT podcast, InnovAiT YouTube.

Write for InnovAiT (external PDF file).

GP Frontline magazine

GP Frontline is the College's magazine. Published quarterly, it looks at what we are doing to represent you and act as the 'voice' of general practice on the issues that matter most to you.

Read GP Frontline

Other publication resources

Learning resources to guide your practice and enhance your knowledge.

RCGP Women's Health Library: our specialist educational library, produced in partnership with the RCOG and FSRH.

Occasional Paper archive series and past issues of the London Journal of Primary Care.

Advertising in RCGP publications

BJGP, BJGP Open and RCGP: Lansdowne Publishing, +44(0)161 872 6667,

InnovAiT: Neil Chesher, Senior Commercial Sales Manager, SAGE Publications Ltd. +44 (0)20 7324 8601.

Advertising and sponsorship: more information.

Get in touch

RCGP Publications
Royal College of General Practitioners
30 Euston Square
London NW1 2FB