Vale of Trent Faculty

Welcome from the Vale of Trent Faculty, a group of volunteers including RCGP members, lay member, foundation doctors and medical students. Our geographical area stretches from Ashbourne to Skegness and includes Boston, Derby, Lincoln, Mansfield and Nottingham. The board aims to support our members’ professional development by arranging educational, networking and special events for GPs and GP registrars and also careers events for medical students and foundation doctors. We are proud to work with the local General Practice Society to help medical students discover more about one of the broadest and most rewarding specialties in medicine.

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30 July 2024

Effective out of hours training | part 4 sepsis, mental health and challenging situations

This four-part online course is aimed at GP Trainees and GPs new to out of hours, working towards their urgent and unscheduled care competencies and GPs wanting to start or return to out of hours work.

24 August 2024

Manchester Pride 2024

We are excited to announce that the RCGP has once again been selected to have an official presence at the Manchester Pride Parade on Saturday 24th August 2024. Join RCGP and walk with us in the parade. Register now for your free parade wristbands! It is such an amazing atmosphere to be part of the parade and a day to remember. If the sun is shining it 'could' possible be better than Liverpool's Eurovision! 'Could'!! Everyone is welcome to join us, GPs, team members, patients, friends, family, EVERYONE. You don't have to be LGBTQ+, you just need to support!

06 September 2024

Telephone consulting and triage skills

This online course will provide you with a real understanding of how to manage the risks involved in remote telephone consultations and the benefits this work can bring when practiced effectively. This day will give you tools and techniques to best handle remote telephone consultations.

10 September 2024

A trainer’s guide to the SCA: an introduction

Join us for the first of a two-part series of FREE webinars on the SCA exam. This informative webinar introduces the SCA exam and is led by esteemed professionals Dr Roger Neighbour, Dr Robin Simpson and Dr Jim Bartlett. With extensive experience as examiners and facilitators of successful SCA prep courses for the RCGP, they bring a wealth of knowledge to guide you through this crucial examination.

Annual General Meeting 2024 - Wednesday 6 November

Further details to follow on the Vale of Trent Annual General Meeting.

Contact us

Board meetings

We meet four times per year to progress our local engagement activities and discuss issues pertinent to our members, which are then fed back to the College Council. All local members are very welcome to attend Board meetings and participate in these discussions - we are always looking for enthusiastic volunteers to help us develop our local engagement programme.

Board meeting dates for 2024:

  • 6 March 2024
  • 19 June 2024
  • 18 September 2024
  • 27 November 2024

Local training and development

RCGP Fellowship

December 2023

The Faculty has over 100 Fellows and is keen to award more fellowships to recognise the efforts of our members. We want fellowship to reward both ‘grassroots’ members who concentrate on providing excellent patient care in their practices, and members who have made significant contributions in other areas for example, in education, service development and research. Fellowship nominations for consideration by the Faculty Fellowship Committee are welcome. For further information, please email contact us. For more information see the RCGP Fellowship page.


December 2023

We attend careers events for local medical students at the Nottingham University Medical School. Please contact us for further information.

Meet your faculty

Faculty Officers

  • Dr Gopi Singaravel - Chair
  • Dr Marcus Wilkinson - Vice Chair
  • Margaret Jones - Provost
  • Dr Marcus Bicknell - Honorary Treasurer
  • Dr Bakula Patel - Honorary Secretary
  • Dr Anjla Sharman - Council representative on Council

Faculty Board Members

  • Dr Jane Selwyn - Faculty Deputy Rep on Council and Joint LCARM Joint Lead
  • Dr Marilyn Horner - Joint LCARM Lead
  • Dr Apoorva Saxena - First5 Lead
  • Dr Rebecca Clegg - AiT Co-Lead
  • Dr David Poll - Ex-Officio Past Faculty Chair
  • Dr Mufaza Rashid - EDI Lead
  • Dr Zarina Beg - Education Lead
  • Dr Jeeves Wijesuriya - Wellbeing Lead
  • Dr Mohammed Noaman - International Lead
  • Dr Kalindi Tumurugoti - Full Member
  • Dr James Waldron - Established GP Lead
  • Ms Helen Wiseman - Co-opted as Student - President Nottingham GP Society
  • Dr Sophie Timson - Foundation Lead

Contact us


Your local Faculty Administrator is Annemarie McCarty.

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Useful links

Current job opportunities in Central and East England