South London Faculty

Welcome from the South London Faculty. We support over 1,950 Members, Fellows, Associates and GP registrars throughout the South London area. One of our main priorities is to engage with all members, especially new members. We recognise the need for support and advice during the transition from registrar to principal in the first year of College membership, and so we are developing networking and social events to assist with this. You can find out more by emailing us and keeping up-to-date with the latest newsletters and events.

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21 January 2025

Time Management in General Practice

Join us online for an evening webinar focusing on Time Management, helping you to gain confidence in steering consultations, navigating challenging conversations and tips to...

23 January 2025

A Guided tour - Hard Graft -Work, Health and Rights

South London LCaRM invites you to a guided tour of the Hard Graft - Work, Health, and Rights exhibition at the Welcome Collection. After the tour, join us for some refreshments at...

23 January 2025

Introduction to the SCA (free preparation webinar)

Join us for the first of a two-part series of FREE webinars on the SCA exam. This informative webinar introduces the SCA exam and is led by esteemed professionals Dr Roger...

28 January 2025

The RCGP 1-day SCA preparation course

This open to all one-day training course aims to improve your consultation skills and as a result pass your SCA. The course offers interactive sessions with experienced trainers...

Board meetings

We hold quarterly board meetings in February, June, September and November, to discuss a range of topics surrounding general practice and what further support could be offered to GPs at all stages of their career. We also have representation on College Council to feedback on issues discussed here.

We also have enhanced the role of Faculty representation at Council, and as a Board hope to gain more grass roots views on issues or motions to present to the national RCGP Council. Please do get in touch as Dr David Mummery would be happy to put something forward if it is an issue you are passionate about and feel the RCGP could be doing more on.

RCGP London GP registrar / First5 Committee

This organisation has been established about 10 years ago to represent the interests of GP Trainees across London. It is supported by all three RCGP London Faculties (North East, North and West, and South London). Current Committee Chair is our own South London First5 Lead, Dr Alexander Lai. Committee hosts four meetings a year. For more information please contact us.

Awards and prizes

The Elton John AIDS Foundation and the Royal College of General Practitioner's South London Faculty Annual GP Trainee Award 2024

The Elton John AIDS Foundation is dedicated to ending AIDS through advocacy, research, and breaking down myths. With the support of its founder Elton John and generous partners, the foundation works to end the AIDS epidemic for vulnerable people and communities. In partnership with healthcare providers and organisations, they have diagnosed over 200 people with HIV and reengaged over 250 people who were lost to follow-up.

Together with the South London Faculty, the foundation annually awards a GP trainee who has made a significant contribution to HIV testing, improving HIV care, or caring for people living with HIV.

*postcode areas - CR0, CR2, CR3, CR4, CR5, CR6, CR7, CR8, SE1, SE10, SE11, SE12, SE13, SE14, SE15, SE16, SE17, SE18, SE19, SE2, SE20, SE21, SE22, SE23, SE24, SE25, SE26, SE27, SE28, SE3, SE4, SE5, SE6, SE7, SE8, SE9, SW1, SW10, SW11,

SW12, SW13, SW14, SW15, SW16, SW17, SW18, SW19, SW1A, SW1E, SW1H, SW1P, SW1V, SW1W, SW1X, SW1Y, SW2, SW20, SW3, SW4, SW5, SW6, SW8, SW9, TW17

  • Anne Scott, the Foundation’s Chief Development and Impact Officer,
  • Dr Grace Bottoni, one of the Foundation’s HIV GP Champions
  • Dr Ellen Wright, RCGP South London Faculty Chair
  • Dr Anne Stephenson, RCGP South London Faculty Provost

For further information please contact

The prize

The winning application will receive a monetary prize of £1000 which will be presented in person at the Faculty AGM in October 2024

How to apply

To be considered for the award you will need to complete an application including statements that describe the issue, intervention and impact of your audit, QIP or project towards either HIV testing, improving HIV care (including retention in care) or care of people living with HIV, this work must have undertaken place between 1/9/2023 – 31/08/2024.

Cash Prize 2024

We offer two cash prizes (£250 each) to nominated GP registrars from Kings and St Georges each year. The prize is presented at the Faculty AGM.

Meet your faculty

Faculty Officers

  • Dr Ellen Wright - Chair
  • Prof Anne Stephenson - Provost and Fellowship Lead
  • Dr Bernadette (Maria) Veiras - Honorary Treasurer
  • Dr Tabassum Khandker - Vice-Chair
  • Dr Eugenia Lee - Honorary Secretary

Board Officers

  • Dr Yasmin Rahman - Council Rep
  • Dr Ekene Clair Agbim - Deputy Council Rep
  • Dr Catherine Millington-Sanders, Education Chair and Lead

Board Committee Leads / Lay Member

  • Dr Veena Aggarwal - Climate Change & Sustainability Lead
  • Dr Rathy Ramanathan - EDI Lead (Joint)
  • Dr Agalya Ramanathan - EDI Lead (Joint)
  • Dr Russell Hills - Established GP lead
  • Dr Gerard McHale - First5 Lead
  • Dr Rowan De Souza - GP Registrar Rep (Joint)
  • Dr Alexandra Simpson - GP Registrar Rep (Joint)
  • Dr Nitish Sharma - IMG Lead (Joint)
  • Dr Mustafa Mohamed - IMG Lead (Joint)
  • Dr Waqaar Shah - International Lead
  • Mr Mark Justice - Lay Rep
  • Dr Penny Milner - LCARM Rep

Board Members

  • Dr Nabila Alam
  • Dr Sadiya Ayaz
  • Dr Abdul Rahman Badran
  • Dr Subir Bali
  • Dr Injuda Bandara
  • Dr Soleman Begg
  • Dr Agnelo Fernandes
  • Dr Maryem George
  • Dr David Mummery
  • Dr Katie Scott
  • Dr Rupal Shah
  • Dr John Spicer
  • Dr David Wheeler
  • Dr Rebecca Whitnall

Contact us

RCGP South London Faculty
30 Euston Square

Telephone: 020 3188 7411

Office opening hours: 09:00 - 17:00, Monday to Friday.

Your local Faculty Administrator Debbie Board

Follow us

(Approved by the College Council under Byelaw 50)

Note: Square brackets indicate where options are available to the Faculty or the wording appropriate to the Faculty needs to be inserted.


  1. The Interpretation Act 1978 applies to these Byelaws as to an Act of Parliament.
  2. Words and phrases used in the Charter, Ordinances and Byelaws of the College mean the same in these Byelaws.

Faculty name

  1. The name of the Faculty shall be the [South London] Faculty of the Royal College of General Practitioners (referred to in these Rules as “the Faculty”).

Area of the Faculty

  1. The area of the Faculty shall be [in alliance with the Bexley, Bromley, Croydon, Greenwich, Kingston, Lambeth, Lewisham, Richmond & Twickenham, Southwark, Sutton & Merton, Wandsworth primary Care Trusts].

Terms of Reference

  1. The terms of reference of the Faculty are to further the College object in the area referred to in Byelaw 4 of these Byelaws, subject to the Charter, Ordinances and Byelaws of the College.

Membership of the Faculty

  1. The members of the Faculty shall be those members of the College practising or employed in the area referred to in Byelaw 4 of these Byelaws or, if retired or otherwise not practising or employed, residing within that area. The Board may in addition permit the privileges of membership of the Faculty to be made available to members of the College not qualified for membership of the Faculty under the previous provisions of this Byelaw.

Associateship of the Faculty

  1. The associates of the Faculty shall be those associates of the College practising or employed in the area referred to in Byelaw 4 of these Byelaws or, if retired or otherwise not practising or employed, residing within that area. The Board may in addition grant the privileges of associateship of the Faculty to individual associates of the College not qualified for associateship under the previous provisions of this Byelaw. Associates may attend general meetings of the Faculty, but shall not be entitled to vote.

General meetings

    1. [Subject to the provisions of paragraph (2),] the Annual General Meeting of the Faculty shall be held once in each Faculty year (defined for this purpose as running from 1st November in one year to the next following 30th October) on a date and time decided by the Board. Notice of the Annual General Meeting shall be sent to all members and associates of the Faculty not less than 21 clear days before the meeting.
    2. The Board may, not less than 28 days before the date on which an Annual General Meeting of the Faculty is due to be held, resolve to dispense with the Annual General Meeting if it appears unlikely that a quorum will be obtained or that there are other good reasons for doings. Notice of the fact that the Annual General Meeting has been dispensed with shall be sent to all members and associates not less than 14 days before the date on which the Annual General Meeting would have been held. Where the Board has dispensed with the Annual General Meeting, the Board may take such decisions as could have been taken by the Annual General Meeting, and the provisions of these Byelaws shall apply as necessary.]
  2. The business of the Annual General Meeting shall be:
    1. To approve the minutes of the previous general meeting;
    2. To receive the results of elections to the Board;
    3. To receive the Annual Report of the Board;
    4. To approve the Accounts of the Board for the preceding financial year to 31 March;
    5. Members' motions; and
    6. Such other business as the Chair may allow.
  3. Any [30] members of the Faculty may, by requisition to the Chair or Honorary Secretary, demand that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the Faculty be convened, on not less than 28 days’ notice, for the purpose of considering any motion set out in the requisition.
  4. The quorum of general meetings of the Faculty shall be [15] If within 15 minutes of the time appointed for the beginning of the meeting a quorum is not present, the meeting shall be abandoned and, in the case of an Annual General Meeting, the Board may take such decisions as could have been reached by that meeting as if the meeting had been dispensed with under Byelaw 8 of these Byelaws.
  5. The Provost or other officer designated by the Board shall chair all general meetings of the Faculty. In the absence of both the Provost and the designated officer, any other officer designated by the Board to do so shall preside. In the absence of the Provost and any officer designated to preside, the members present at the meeting shall elect one of their number to chair the meeting.
  6. The rules of debate at general meetings of the Faculty shall, subject to the discretion of the Chair of the meeting, be those applicable to general meetings of the College, with the necessary adaptations.
  7. All questions at general meetings of the Faculty shall be decided by a majority of the members present and voting, and the Chair of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote, regardless of whether he or she has already voted.

Officers of the Faculty

  1. The officers of the Faculty shall be a Provost, Chair, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer and such other officers as the Board shall decide from time to time. The term of office of the officers shall be [three years. Officers may be re-elected for a further three years but cannot be elected for more than two consecutive terms].
  2. The Chair and Honorary Treasurer of the Board shall be elected by the members of the Faculty, in such manner as the Board shall decide, and every member shall be entitled to vote. No election need take place if only one candidate is duly nominated for any particular vacancy. If a system of single transferable voting is adopted, it shall be carried out in accordance with the procedures advised by the Electoral Reform Society. [Other officers may be elected at the annual general meeting or appointed by the Faculty Board.]

Faculty Board

  1. The management of the affairs of the Faculty shall be vested in a Faculty Board (referred to as “the Board” in these Byelaws), which is empowered, subject to the provisions of the Charter, Ordinances and Byelaws of the College and any directions of the Council, to act on behalf of the College and the Faculty. The Board may regulate its own procedure, subject as previously stated.
  2. The members of the Board shall be the Provost, Chair, Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer [and any other officers determined by the Board]. [The Board may also consist of lay members and coopted members (which may include non-members of the College) who may be elected at the annual general meeting or elected by the Board. Observers may be invited to attend Board meetings.]
  3. The Board may appoint such committees or sub-committees for such purposes as it thinks fit.
  4. The Board and any of its committees or sub-committees may if the Chair of the body concerned agrees meet wholly or partly by telephone or video conference, provided all members have been sent the papers for the meeting (including by electronic means). The quorum for meetings of the Board shall be [four members].

Faculty representative(s) on College Council

  1. The Board shall be responsible for nominating the Faculty representative(s) on the College Council.

Accounts and financial arrangements

  1. The Honorary Treasurer of the Faculty shall be responsible for drawing up the Accounts of the Faculty for the previous 12 months to 31 March, including a balance sheet and profit and loss account. The Accounts as so drawn up shall be sent to the Honorary Treasurer of the College, for inclusion in the Annual Financial Report of the College.
  2. The banking account(s) of the Faculty shall be held at the [Unity Trust] Bank, or such other Bank as the Board may from time to time decide, subject to the approval of the Honorary Treasurer of the College. Appropriate procedures shall be put in place by the Board, subject to the approval of the Honorary Treasurer of the College, for signature of cheques.

Amendment, revocation or re-making of Byelaws

  1. These Byelaws may, subject to the approval of the College Council, be amended, revoked and re-made by resolution of the members of the Faculty in general meeting, passed by not less than two thirds of the members present and voting.
Reviewed Summer 2012

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