Cumbria Faculty

Welcome to RCGP Cumbria Faculty. Although we are the smallest of the RCGP faculties with just over 400 members, we cover a very large geographical area both rural and urban. We have a very active Faculty board who meet quarterly to discuss issues relevant to general practice and the local area and also link with other local organisations to discuss issues. Cumbria Faculty traditionally have a strong cohort of AiTs and international medical graduates and we are always looking at new ways to support these groups

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30 July 2024

Effective out of hours training | part 4 sepsis, mental health and challenging situations

This four-part online course is aimed at GP Trainees and GPs new to out of hours, working towards their urgent and unscheduled care competencies and GPs wanting to start or return to out of hours work.

10 August 2024

Summer Family Day - Martin Mere Wetland Center

We'd like to invite all members from the North West England Faculty and their families to join us for a family day out at Martin Mere Wetland Centre! The day will start at 10:30am and you are welcome to explore the site all day until they close at 5pm. Martin Mere Wetland Centre will have various activities on during the summer holidays to keep the children engaged and entertained during the day including pond dipping and the "Code Breaker Trail". For those members that do not have young children, there are still lots to see and do including talks throughout the day on both the bird and animal inhabitants. There is a cafe for food and drink available, alternatively, enjoy your own picnic in the gardens, So come along and have some fun!

24 August 2024

Manchester Pride 2024

We are excited to announce that the RCGP has once again been selected to have an official presence at the Manchester Pride Parade on Saturday 24th August 2024. Join RCGP and walk with us in the parade. Register now for your free parade wristbands! It is such an amazing atmosphere to be part of the parade and a day to remember. If the sun is shining it 'could' possible be better than Liverpool's Eurovision! 'Could'!! Everyone is welcome to join us, GPs, team members, patients, friends, family, EVERYONE. You don't have to be LGBTQ+, you just need to support!

06 September 2024

RCGP North of England New Members' and Fellows' Ceremony 2024 | Morning

Join us for our relaxed style New Members' and Fellows' Ceremony in Liverpool on Friday 6 September 2024. Our ceremony is an opportunity for you to celebrate with friends, peers and family the achievement of attaining membership of the College by completing the MRCGP, MRCGP[INT] OR MAP or achieving Fellowship of the College FRCGP.

Veteran friendly GP practices

We are working with NHS England to accredit GP practices as 'veteran friendly'. This programme supports practice to deliver the best possible care and treatment for patients who have served in the armed forces.

Over 2,000 GP practices in England are already accredited through this programme. We provide accredited practices with access to free online training, support them to identify and code their veteran patients, and offer advice on referrals. While each accredited practice must nominate a clinical lead, training content and activities are suitable for the whole practice to enhance your delivery of veteran healthcare.

To find out more information, please visit the Veterans' healthcare toolkit on our eLearning platform.

Cumbria's faculty board

Our faculty board meet four times per year in February, June, September, and November, via Zoom. We rely on volunteers to play an active role locally, give views, feed in information from local groups, and shape local general practice via the board. 

The board has several opportunities for you to become more active with the local faculty, for example: committee members, council representatives, leads and representatives for various groups including trainees, First5s, mid-career GPs, later career and retired members, EDI groups, LGBTQ+ members, sustainability groups - plus much more. 

You can attend board as an observer to see what goes on. If you wish to join the board just let us know and we will affiliate you at the next AGM. If you would like to attend, then simply drop us a line.

Local training and development


The Cumbria Faculty has a very active Fellowship Committee who work towards nominating deserving Cumbria Faculty members through fellowship. Are you a member of five years long standing? Are you interested in being nominated for Fellowship? Do you have a colleague you would like to support through nomination? If your answer is 'yes' to any of these questions and you would like more information please see the Fellowship page to find out more, or you can contact the faculty office for more information

Meet your faculty

Executive Officers

  • Dr Venetia Young - Provost
  • Dr Dornu Lebari - Chair
  • Dr Ebele Dunkwu - Vice Chair
  • Dr Hezzy Olateru - Honorary Secretary
  • Dr Judith Neaves - Treasurer

RCGP Cumbria Faculty have a number of board members who represent GPs from across Cumbria, as well as sub committees for Fellowship, equality, diversity and inclusion, social and wellbeing, and a representative for each career stage of GP. If you wish to come along to one of our board meetings you are welcome to do so.  Simply drop us a line and we will send you the invitation link to join the call.

Contact us

RCGP Cumbria Faculty
The Outset
Sankey Street
WA1 1NN 


Office opening hours: 08:00 to 15:00, on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Closed Wednesdays.

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