Equality and diversity: Race

Our diversity is our strength, and we celebrate that. General practice is a diverse profession, caring for diverse patient populations. We want to seek out and change the inequalities that exist both within our organisation and within general practice, so you and all of our workforce are able to achieve your potential.

A group of RCGP members

Our Fit for the Future campaign calls on politicians and NHS decision makers to commit to a bold new plan to provide GPs and patients with the support they need.  A major part of this is making it easier for international doctors who complete their training as NHS GPs to be able to apply for long-term visas to stay and work in the UK.

Here you can see member data and community stories, tell us your own story, and find helpful resources to develop your learning.

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Headshot of Omon Imohi from the shoulders up.

Omon Imohi's story

"As a Black woman in health, or in general practice, what we see then is sometimes, patients misjudge you when they come in and they see you for the first time."  

Hear Omon's full story

Headshot of Zirva Khan from the shoulders up smiling.

Zirva Khan's story

"When someone sits down and talks to [a South Asian person] about their problems and how they feel and how it's affecting them, and they actually understand what you're saying, it can make a huge difference."  

Hear Zirva's full story

Headshot of  Dr Uwa Ima-Edomwonyi from the shoulders up wearing glasses.

Uwa Ima-Edomwonyi's story

"From hermit to being elected for RCGP Council: At some points, I am a naturally outgoing person, but for certain reasons, after I qualified as a GP in August 2017, I decided to keep to myself." ."  

Listen to Uwa's full story

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