Health equity special interest group
The RCGP health equity special interest group has been established for over 10 years and aims to ensure that achieving health equity for all remains a key area of policy and practice, with specific reference to the role of General Practice.
RCGP resources on health inequalities
Group outputs
Key activities and resources have included:
- Outputs that members of RCGP HISG have been involved with over recent years.
- Members of the group are actively involved in academic and clinical roles which overlap with their HISG membership.
- Migrant Health is an innovative project to help GPs to support migrant health.
- A Truth Universally Acknowledged: Moving to Universal Credit leads to large debt and poor mental health Elizabeth Walton. Br J Gen Pract 2018; 68 (677): 577. DOI: 10.3399/bjgp18X699977
- Fairhealth Curriculum: An exciting curriculum to help primary care teams tackle inequalities.
- The Health Foundation: A social prescribing project in City and Hackney CCG.
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