RCGP blog


31 January 2022

Active Advent on Instagram: Movement at work

One of the network of Active Practices, Chorley Surgery, near Preston, got the jump on the usual New Year’s resolution with a brilliant idea – Active Advent. When the PAL team heard about it, we had to share it with you all - a fun way to keep moving and smiling through the winter.

19 January 2022

Active commuting: promoting physical activity beyond the consulting room

My bicycle juddered beneath me on the bumpy, potholed tarmac of a narrow country road in rural County Down, Northern Ireland. Despite the unpredictable road surfaces, my active commute to and from work by bike is one of the highlights of my day.

05 January 2022

Standing up desks for clinics – an upstanding idea?

Standing desks seem to be an ever-growing trend. Until recent years these were something either unheard of, because ‘Don’t all desks stand up?’, or perhaps synonymous with a quirky Silicon Valley start up. Now, though, they’re seemingly popping up (excuse the pun) like wildfires.

22 December 2021

Run Talk Run: alternative therapy

Have you ever got your heart rate up when not feeling your best? Perhaps you went for a walk or jog. No doubt you felt better for it after. That’s because exercising releases those ‘’happy hormones’’- endorphins.

16 December 2021

A lifeline for practices in need in Primary Care Development

The RCGP provide a range of services to primary care through the Primary Care Development team, supporting practices with preparation for CQC inspections, coaching, mentoring, and team building or helping Commissioners, CCGs and UHBs wishing to run a program of support regionally.

25 October 2021

"Are you sure you want to be a GP?"

Amidst the media storm surrounding the NHS and general practice, I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve been asked ‘are you sure you want to be a GP?’

21 September 2021

Active Practice in action - Clarendon Lodge Medical Practice

Dr Hussain Al-Zubaidi discusses the journey of Clarendon Lodge Medical Practice's Active Practice community and lifestyle commitments.

10 September 2021

From 'Hermit' to being elected for RCGP National Council

After a stark reminder of ongoing Racial Inequalities, I heard about the RCGP COVID-19 members forum.

09 September 2021

Learning together - collaborative case discussion between GPs and Old Age Psychiatrists

The aim of the webinar was to offer the opportunity for participants from primary care and psychiatry to learn together.